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Lent 1


Reading - Matthew 4: 1-11

Kids Talk:
• Can anyone tell me what temptation is? (Discuss)
• Temptation is when you feel you want to something bad or naughty that you know is wrong.
• Eg: It may be to suddenly think "I feel I would like to annoy my brother/sister" - Or you are in the supermarket and you think "No-one is looking, I will just put this chocolate/toy etc in my pocket and take it home"
• Temptation is the thinking part - Stealing is when you actually take the item
• We heard about Adam and Eve in today's readings. God said "No touchie" to the apple tree of life.
• But they were tempted to ignore this request because the apples looked so large and juicy.
• Eve said to Adam - Come on lets eat one. No-one will miss it.
• The temptation is thinking about stealing the apple
• Doing the wrong thing was when they actually ate the apple
• Jesus in today's story was tempted by the devil three times and each time he refused to give in to the devil.
• The devil tried to get him to do magic so he could impress people (Stones into bread) - Jump off the tower to show he had great power - Finally to drop his standards and bow down before the devil.
• Jesus of course knew this was all trickery and refused each test.
• Jesus reminds us today that we too need to be careful of the devil
• The devil says to us "You are too tired to go to church - Just stay in bed" or "When you go to play ar=t your friend's place he/she won't miss a toy if you steal it.
• When we feel temptation coming our way we need to use an arrow prayer. That is a quick one where we say "Dear Jesus - please stop this bed thoughts in my head"

Kids Church Activity:
Activity: To make a stand up apple
Preparation: Trace Apple Pattern onto lightweight cardboard and cut out—one for each child. Trace Leaf Pattern onto cardboard and cut out—one for every two or three children. Cut remaining cardboard into (2.5x15cm) strips—one for each child. Cut paper into (7.5-cm) squares—one for each child. Instruct each child in the following procedures: ♦ With felt pen, trace cardboard apple onto red felt and cut out. ♦ Trace Leaf Pattern onto green felt. Cut out. ♦ Cut a door in the middle of felt apple (sketch a). ♦ Using felt pen, letter "God says" on door flap. ♦ To make knob, glue bead onto the right edge of the door. ♦ Letter "Make good choices" on paper square, ♦ Glue paper square onto center of cardboard apple (sketch b). ♦ Glue felt apple to cardboard apple. (Do NOT glue the door. The door opens to reveal lettering behind it.) ♦ Glue the leaf behind the stem.
♦ Fold down ends of cardboard strip and then fold cardboard strip in half for stand. ♦ Glue stand to back of apple (sketch c).

What you need to get ready:
Require: Materials
♦ Apple and Leaf Patterns ♦ red and green felt
♦ medium-sized beads ♦ white paper
♦ lightweight cardboard ♦ felt pens ♦ pencils ♦ glue
♦ scissors ♦ ruler

Larger version of the apple cutout - Click Here


Children's activity that could be included in the newsletter this week for them to use during the service

The activity is related to the day's theme

Today you are asked to see what the differences are between both pictures
and then colour them in

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