It is a popular Christian mis-concept 1 on that "all" we need to do to achieve eternal . life is to---have faith" and to "believe" the right things. However sometimes we treat our "faith" as if it is something learned, a Mind-set. It Is a real "opening of the heart" so that our faith becomes the expression of the relationship we have with Our Lord. In Matthew 28:19 (that familiar "Great Commission") we are told that the mandate of the Church is not teaching, or Baptising! Rather it is to "Go and make Disciples!" We have (sometimes, anyway) made a reasonable show of
the teaching. Baptism has been our forte, hasn't it? - What about the mandate to make disciples of all ?

There really is not much evidence that we help people to become true disciples. We have helped people to open doors in their lives, but how good have we been in helping them to open their hearts ?

If you have made it this far be warned. This booklet will not help you in the methods and moods of the spiritual life. There are more than enough books on the subject. This book is intended to help you strike a balance between opening your heart as well as your door to one who loves you.

There are five sections. Each will start with thoughts about a theme of being a PRAYER DISCIPLE. This will be followed by a number of exercises" to enable that "theory" to become a living pan of your life.

For ' those unable to attend the group discussions, there is a special section at the end of each week's exercises for personal reflection.

The Reverend LLewellyn Jones