Walking Humbly With God - The Rev'd Canon Timothy Gaden

Going Further : - "Walking Humbly with God" contains background material for the groups which
can equally be used by the Study Group Leader to help understand some of the study book material better.

1. Background Material for the six studies ( Word version)

Weeks 1 & 2 - - Click Here

Weeks 3 & 4 - - Click Here

Weeks 5 & 6 - - Click Here

2. Suggestion on how to grow your group this lent or for further home study groups throughout the year. - Click Here.

3. Suggestions for leaders in conducting the group (Apologies as we have not been able to achieve this)

4. Additional reading material the group leader or members may find helpful. (Apologies as we have not been able to achieve this)


PDF File of "The Empty Chair" to include at the current study group nights. - Click Here